


仆人式领导学院 演讲人

肯考迪娅的 仆人式领导学院 是否乐意为社区提供机会,让有才华的领袖在学校的专业发展研讨会上就他们的专业知识发表演讲, 撤退, 宴会, 毕业典礼和社区活动.






希瑟Churney是尔湾康考迪亚大学学校咨询项目主任. 她在公共场合度过了12年, 担任私立和特许学校的高中辅导员,并在亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州获得证书. 在过去的7年里,她一直担任研究生院辅导学生的导师.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to 希瑟Churney directly at: (电子邮件保护)




  • 仆人领导
  • 教师职业倦怠
  • 自我效能感
  • Brain-based teaching / cognition / metacognition
  • 研究生水平和学术写作
  • 调查社区
  • 在线学习
  • 成人学习者

Dr. 洛丽·多伊尔是欧文康考迪亚大学的教育助理教授,在那里她担任了6年的课程和教学项目主任,现在担任教育领导:社会情感学习艺术硕士主任, 字符, 和道德计划. 她是这两个项目中多个课程的主题专家,并为该大学开展了广泛的课程开发项目. Working as an instructor keeps her mindful of relevant and changing trends in adult education. Lori has taught at several universities over the past twenty years, but her career began as a high school English and Theology teacher and curriculum writer. She holds a California Clear Credential in Secondary Education, 课程与教学硕士, and a PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Cognition. Her areas of research interest are adult education, 圣经的上下文, 领导, 以及教职工的心理健康.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to 洛丽·多伊尔 directly at: (电子邮件保护)

Belinda Dunnick Karge博士.D.

Belinda Dunnick Karge

Chair, EDD Special Education Leadership


  • Schoolwide Reform to Include Students with Disabilities
  • Special Education 101 for Administrators
  • Mental Health Curriculum for Secondary Students
  • 研究型教学策略
  • The Fruit of the Spirit Educator Supports
  • 吸引所有学习者
  • 教学辅导和指导
  • 基于数据的学校决策

True to her values for all children and youth, Dr. Belinda Karge致力于确保所有学生都有最好的成功机会,并确保领导者配备必要的工具来改变教育环境. 她是康考迪亚大学欧文分校的课程与教学协调员和博士课程教授,也是加州州立大学的名誉教授, 富勒顿. At 欧文康考迪亚大学 she is responsible for EDD program development and improvement, 教师专业学习, 课程发展及评估, 并指导博士论文. 她在博士项目中教授研究课程,并协调特殊教育专业. Dr. 她是美国教育领导学院(Institute of Educational Leadership, IEL)的研究员,每年夏天都会带领CUI政策班前往华盛顿特区.

Dr. 她获得了博士学位.D. 在定量方法中, Special Education and Educational Psychology, and her Master’s Degree in Reading from the University of California, 河畔. 她在小学和高中任教,并在进入大学后担任公共教育的各种领导职务. Prior to joining the faculty 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 in 2015, she worked at several research universities, both as faculty and in administrative roles. 她的专业记录显示了她一贯的学术和创造性活动模式,包括研究, 出版物(3本教材), 五种课程文本, 书中的四个章节, 几个教育工具, 超过135篇文章), and numerous grants (totaling over twenty million dollars).

Dr. Karge is an expert in research based instructional strategies. She is a sought-after presenter and coach in the areas of whole school reform, 高等教育参与策略, 包容的实践, Prek-12教学, on-line and face-to-face student engagement, 教学策略, effective teaching and learning in diverse classroom groups. She has received a multitude of awards for her teaching and service to the profession. 她被授予国家学习障碍委员会弗洛伊德·哈德森学习障碍领域杰出服务奖和国际儿童教育协会(ACEI)专业服务奖. She is Past-President of the National Association for Alternative Certification. 在她的职业生涯中. Karge has made multiple referred presentations to international, 状态, and local groups of school district employees and has keynoted several conferences. She travels extensively as a consultant for the U. S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools.

Dr. Karge spends most mornings hiking or walking with her husband Doug. She is Lutheran and has led many mission trips both in the USA and abroad.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to Belinda Karge directly at: (电子邮件保护)

Dr. 尤金·金

Dr. 尤金·金

教育学教授.D. 程序


Dr. 尤金·金 is as a respected professor in 肯考迪娅的 Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership 程序 with strong expertise in organizational change. 在担任佩珀代因大学教育学助理教授之前,尤金在约翰马歇尔高中(LAUSD)担任化学/物理科学教师,开始了他的教学生涯. Dr. 自2007年以来,金教授为康考迪亚大学提供了兼并式的领导技能,他在那里担任了10年的康考迪亚亚洲项目主任,现在是康考迪亚机构审查委员会(IRB)主席、领导力教授和论文主席.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to Dr. 金直接说: (电子邮件保护)





  • 通用学习设计(UDL)
  • 社会情绪学习(SEL)
  • Effective 教授essional 发展: Adult Learning Theory

萨拉·摩根 is a graduate of Chapman University, where she earned a B.A. 在通信技术中. 毕业后, 她继续获得两个教师证书(多学科和教育专家)和一个特殊教育硕士学位. 她教, 作为资源教师, for Lutheran Special Education Ministries, 特殊日班老师, 为威斯敏斯特学区, and served as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) and 程序 Specialist, for the Garden Grove Unified School District.


To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to 萨拉·摩根 directly at: (电子邮件保护)

Dr. 肯特Schlichtemeier

Dr. 肯特Schlichtemeier



肯特Schlichtemeier has enjoyed serving for over four decades as a leader in education. He began his career teaching 6th-8th grades. After completing his Master’s degree at the University of Denver, he taught and coached at the high school level in Orlando, FL. 1988年至2003年,他担任欧文康考迪亚大学教育学院教授. 除了在康科迪亚教书, 肯特一直担任女子篮球教练,直到1993年退役去攻读博士学位. During the final two seasons of Kent’s tenure as coach, 女鹰篮球队在赢得金州体育大会冠军后,连续两次参加全国篮球锦标赛. 肯特在1992年和1993年被评为NAIA年度最佳教练,并于2006年入选康科迪亚体育名人堂.

1996年,肯特完成了他的教育.D. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校学习教育领导力. 2003年至2007年,他在奥兰治路德高中担任教师和副校长,之后回到欧文康考迪亚大学任教,最近担任教育学院院长. Today, Kent is thrilled to serve as the inaugural 导演 of the 仆人式领导学院. Kent enjoys frequent opportunities to speak at sports 宴会, 学校毕业典礼, 教师会议上, 领导撤退, 以及商业研讨会.

Kent and his wife Cindy, are blessed by God with two children - Aaron and Kayla.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to Dr. schlichtemier直接指向: (电子邮件保护)

Dr. 迈克尔W. Schulteis

Dr. 迈克尔W. Shulteis



  • 探究性教学
  • 科学教学方法
  • 一般教学方法
  • Science-based Chapel and Children's Messages
  • 教师教学发展
  • 全校行动研究 & 发展

教授. Michael Schulteis自2003年以来一直在康考迪亚大学教育学院任教,专门从事科学和数学教育以及课堂管理. 在来到康考迪亚大学之前,他在初中担任七年级的班主任,教授多个科目,并担任六年级至八年级的科学专家. At the High School level Michael taught chemistry, 生物学, and honors 生物学 as well as being a coach and the taxidermy club advisor.

Dr. Schulteis earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1995, 1996年获得加州教师资格证书,1998年获得课程与教学硕士学位, 欧文. He earned his Doctor of Science Education degree from Curtin University of Technology, 珀斯, 澳大利亚. 他的毕业论文是《博彩平台推荐》.”

除了教学职责之外. Schulteis serves as a Faculty Marshal at the University. Dr. Schulteis is a mentor for the American Meteorological Society Datastreme program. 他也是一位受欢迎的研讨会主持人,并为美国各地的教师做过演讲, as well as from around the world including teachers from Korea, 日本, 中国, 南非, 和澳大利亚.

To schedule a speaking engagement, please reach out to 迈克尔W. Schulteis直接针对: (电子邮件保护)


For more information about the 演讲人, please direct any questions to:

Dr. 肯特Schlichtemeier

Dr. 肯特Schlichtemeier
(949) 214-3256
