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How does Concordia approach disciplinary issues with my student?

God's Word guides the discipline policies and procedures 在欧文的康考迪亚大学. God's love for us in Christ Jesus enables us to demonstrate His love to students as we say "No" and "Yes" to them. 在他对我们的爱里 God gave us His Law to curb outbursts of inappropriate behavior and to show us what is right and what is wrong. 作为基督徒, God's Law also serves to guide our lives so that our words and actions are pleasing to Him. 最终, rules have been developed at Concordia to protect our students, 保证他们的安全, 并在他们做出选择和决定时给予指导.

Because of sin, all people at times will make unwise choices and decisions. These can and do often have physical, emotional, and social consequences. 当康考迪亚的学生违反规定时, they will experience consequences most often determined by the offense.

But God's Word does not stop with simple rules and consequences. 事实上, the central message of the Bible is "forgiveness won for all sinners won by Jesus on the cross.“学生触犯了法律... students sorry for their inappropriate words and/or actions... 会得到宽恕.


Concordia supports the laws of California and the United States in regard to the use of alcohol consumption and/or possession. Alcohol consumption and/or possession under the age of twenty-one is expressly prohibited, as is public intoxication and driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. 同时,我们也支持这项法律, Concordia recognizes an important life decision facing students as they turn twenty-one: the choice of whether or not to drink. The choice not to drink is entirely acceptable and made by a number of Concordia students as they turn twenty-one. The choice to drink carries with it the obligation to drink responsibly. No student, regardless of age, may possess, store, or consume alcoholic beverages on campus.

What is Concordia's policy on members of the opposite sex in the residence halls?

Concordia recognizes that interaction between members of the opposite sex is an important part of college life - indeed, many of your sons and daughters will meet their future life partner here! 也就是说,隐私也很重要. Members of the opposite sex are not allowed to visit in the residence hall rooms between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. 在这些时间里, a student should be 100% comfortable that no member of the opposite sex will see them in pajamas, 毛巾, mud-packs, 等. 因为学生们经常在午夜后熬夜, 康考迪亚提供了一些公共的, twenty-four-hour lounges in which they may meet to study or socialize.


关于人类的性行为,神的话语是明确的. St. 保罗状态, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen who do not know.(帖撒罗尼迦前书4:3-6). Concordia University encourages each student to clearly define boundaries for their expression of sexuality remembering that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is a sin. University policy prohibits sexual intercourse outside of marriage. 在他对我们的爱里, God gave us His Law guiding people to fully enjoy the gift of sexuality between husband and wife.

如果我的学生受到纪律处分,我会收到通知吗? 如果有,如何?

The Family Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of disciplinary records as academic records. 因此, you will likely not be contacted by the University if your daughter or son faces disciplinary sanctions. 在严重酗酒或吸毒的情况下, the University may contact you regarding your daughter's or son's sanctions, or may strongly encourage your daughter or son to contact you directly from one of our offices while in our presence. Whereas this distance is sometimes uncomfortable for parents, we remind you that Concordia has an excellent success record in working with students - fewer than 10% of students who go through the disciplinary system are ever written up a second time.

What should my daughter or son do if a friend or roommate is violating college policy?

这可能是一个非常困难的情况. 在很多情况下, the situation can be best addressed by encouraging your daughter or son to simply talk to the other person - maybe with a friend or an RA present. This is typically the most effective means (peer influence is powerful), 但可能并不总是实际的. If your son or daughter goes directly to a University official (RA, 学生事务副院长, 或学生事务处处长), he or she will ultimately ask your daughter or son if we can use her or his name when confronting the student. 如果你的儿子或女儿说不, there are only limited steps that we can take - it may be true, 但我们最多只能把它当作可信的谣言. If your son or daughter agrees to let us use his or her name, there may be some uncomfortable fallout following the confrontation. Be assured that we will do everything in our power to support your son or daughter at this time. Most importantly - when your son or daughter is facing this kind of situation, 鼓励他们来和我们交谈. 在某些情况下,当学生的安全受到威胁, 大学会立即介入.

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