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2024-25 FAFSA Changes

Last updated: February 23, 2024.

Big changes are coming to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application for the 2024-2025 aid year! Historically, the FAFSA opens in October, however, with the upcoming FAFSA changes, the 2024-25 FAFSA is expected to be available by December 31, 2023. Updates on the 2024-25 FAFSA will be posted here once announced.


Why is the FAFSA changing for 2024-25?

In 2020, Congress passed the FAFSA Simplification Act. 这项新法案对授予联邦学生资助的程序和系统进行了重大改革. Major changes now required by law include the FAFSA form, the need analysis that determines federal aid eligibility, changes in terminology, 以及参与第四章联邦援助项目的学校的许多政策和程序. 该法律还将影响任何使用FAFSA数据授予州补助金的州.e.以及所有参与联邦学生援助计划的学校.

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的经济援助办公室致力于为我们的学生和家庭提供及时的最新信息. Due to the substantial amount of changes, 我们网站的部分内容可能不会在2024-25学年完全更新. 随着教育部和联邦学生援助部门提供的更多信息,我们将继续更新此页面. 我们感谢您的耐心,因为我们正在努力实施的变化带来的 FAFSA Simplification Act.

Steps for Contributors

Step 1


Step 2

Contributor creates a account if they don’t already have one.

Step 3

贡献者使用他们的FSA ID(帐户用户名和密码)登录帐户.

Step 4


Step 5


However, if a contributor refuses to provide their information, the student will not be eligible for federal student aid.

2024-25 FAFSA Delay and Cal Grant

Due to the delayed opening of the 2024-25 FAFSA, the priority deadline for Cal Grant has been moved from March 2, 2024 to April 2, 2024. 这意味着你有额外一个月的时间来提交2024-25年的FAFSA,并且仍然可以考虑获得Cal Grant奖.

有关加州助学金优先期限延长的更多信息,请访问 California Student Aid Commission's website.

2024-25 FAFSA FAQs

When should I file the 2024-25 FAFSA?

计划于2024年秋季在康考迪亚开始的新生应尽快完成FAFSA. 根据教育部,2024-2025年FAFSA将于2023年12月31日发布. 回国学生应在3月15日优先截止日期之前完成FAFSA.

My parent(s) does not have a Social Security Number (SSN). Can we still complete the 2024-25 FAFSA online?

Yes! 即使你的父母没有社会安全号码,你仍然可以在网上填写FAFSA. 当你到达你可以邀请贡献者到你的FAFSA的部分, you will enter your parent's name, date of birth, email, 然后在“我父母没有社会安全号码”这一栏打勾. 然后系统会提示你输入父母的地址. 然后,您的父母将收到一封电子邮件,告知他们已被确定为贡献者. 如果他们没有FSA ID,系统将提示他们创建一个.

没有社会安全号码的个人如何获得FSA ID English | Español

My parents are married/remarried. Are both my parents considered contributors?

It depends. If you are a dependent student and your parents filed their tax return as Married, 联合申报只需要一个父母供款人完成FAFSA. If you are a dependent student and your parents filed their tax return as Married, 分别申请,父母双方将被视为供款人. 在这种情况下,父母双方需要单独的FSA id,并且必须提供同意.

My parents are unmarried but live together. Are both my parents considered contributors?

Yes! If you are a dependent student and your parents are unmarried and living together, then both parents will be contributors, need separate FSA IDs, and each parent must provide consent.

My parent(s) are refusing to provide consent. What are my options?

If you are a dependent student and one or more contributors refuse to provide consent, 你将有机会在FAFSA上表明你只希望获得直接无补贴贷款. If you select this option, 在我们办公室处理直接无补贴贷款之前,可能需要额外的文件.

My parents do not support me. Do I have to include one as a contributor on the FAFSA?

Yes, if you are a dependent student, at least one parent must be a contributor on your FAFSA. If your parents are divorced/separated but not remarried, 在提交FAFSA之前的12个月内,父母双方都没有提供任何支持, the parent of record (i.e., “贡献者”指的是在最近一年中,你从父母那里获得经济支持的一方.

我的父母离婚/分居,每人提供我50%的经济支持. Which parent is considered the contributor?




  • 向延税养老金和退休储蓄计划支付的免税款项;
  • 支付给军人、神职人员和其他人员的住房、食品和其他生活津贴;
  • Veterans benefits;
  • Workman's compensation;
  • Other untaxed income not reported elsewhere on the FAFSA, like Black Lung Benefits, Refugee assistance, railroad retirement benefits, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) benefits; or
  • Cash support received or any money paid on the student’s behalf

我的贡献者拒绝提供同意,但手动输入他们的税务信息在我的FAFSA. Am I still eligible?

No, if a contributor to your FAFSA did not provide consent, 即使捐款人手动输入了他们的税务信息,你也没有资格获得联邦学生援助. 你的资助者必须同意你有资格获得联邦学生援助和你的FAFSA处理. 您的投稿人可以在晚些时候通过登录他们的FSA ID并向您的FAFSA提交更正来表示同意.

I submitted my FAFSA as a Provisionally Independent Student. What are my next steps?

Please contact your financial aid counselor for next steps. 请注意,我们的办公室可能需要收集额外的文件来验证您的情况是否符合独立身份,并且在我们确认您的身份之前,您在FAFSA上的学生援助指数(SAI)不会正式计算. 在此过程完成之前,您的经济援助文件将被搁置.

For additional information, please visit the FAFSA Simplification Information Knowledge Center or contact our office with questions.

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