



Dr. 杰夫·赫德,音乐总监


Dr. Jeff Held

Dr. Jeff Held


邀请未来的学生参加 申请音乐奖学金. All Concordia orchestras accept new members at the beginning of each semester. 有兴趣的同学可以联系 音乐总监.

表演:应用程序. 15 per year, 包括科罗拉多大学中心的秋季和春季音乐会, 康考迪亚圣诞音乐会, 在地区教会和校园举行礼拜仪式, 毕业典礼, 家庭流行音乐会, 以及其他特别的音乐会/活动

Domestic Tours: Recent destinations: San Diego, Las Vegas, Northern California, Phoenix, St. 路易斯,印第安纳波利斯,密歇根和德克萨斯

国际巡演:CWO在埃菲尔铁塔演出, the American Normandy Ceremony and on Omaha Beach to help commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in 2019. Then, they performed concerts in several of the most significant cathedrals in the Netherlands. 完整的摘要可在 my.ec.kbizvitenam.net/dday75.

Major Repertoire: Each year, the CWO performs music of the highest standard in wind band repertoire.   Notably, the CWO has performed the full cycle of Alfred Reed symphonies over a span of 10 years.

试音:有兴趣的同学可联络导演(email)讨论加入合奏团.  未来的学生可以试镜 音乐奖学金.

私人课程: As a major outreach ensemble with high performance standards, all members in the CWO are required to take private lessons for at least a portion of their years at Concordia. 音乐课学费对CWO会员有很大的折扣.

Major Repertoire: Each year, the CWO performs music of the highest standard in wind band repertoire. Notably, the CWO has completed a cycle of all five of Alfred Reed's symphonies.

New Music: As a part of its role as an artistically achieving ensemble, CWO定期演奏新歌, 和艾滋病在它的创造. Recent commissions that the CWO was involved in include: Silver Linings (Frank Ticheli's flute concerto), 单簧管独奏及管弦乐合奏曲(罗伯特·斯皮塔尔), From Heaven Above to Earth I Come: A Christmas Cantata (Craig Naylor). Annually, the CWO commissions several sacred works for use in worship settings.

Worship Music: The mission of the CWO extends well-beyond that of the typical college wind band. 透过在敬拜中的工作, 赞美诗的节日, 还有以神圣为主题的音乐会, the CWO serves the Church through its commissioned hymn accompaniments and other liturgical music.

社区:学生在CWO形成了非常紧密的联系, supportive community of friends who each have diverse backgrounds in academic interest and musical experience.  乐团中有一半是音乐专业的学生.  Concordia University can successfully prepare music students for graduate-level study, while at the same time it provides a unique opportunity for dedicated non-majors to perform at the highest level, side-by-side with musicians preparing for careers in the profession.



Instrumentalists at Concordia University keep a very full performance schedule. Participation in the 康考迪亚管乐团 is only one part of many students' performance portfolios, 包括手铃, choirs, 敬拜的乐队, 还有额外的乐器合奏. Many CWO members also take assignments in Concordia Symphony Orchestra, 肯考迪娅黄铜, 以及康科迪亚爵士乐团.

康考迪亚的音乐专业学生和一些非专业学生都有独奏会. Many music majors (and some non-majors) choose to perform a half recital in their junior year and a full recital in their senior year. Solo recitals are tremendous culminating projects that require long-term planning, focus, 与工作室教师导师密切合作, 音乐合作, 以及演出. 除了独奏会, Concordia instrumentalists are active as solo accompanists for choirs, 教堂的表演者, and performers at local congregations and other musical organizations.









艺术学院副院长 & Sciences, Director of Arts Activities, Professor of Music, Director of Instrumental Activities

Dr. Jeff Held


(Dr. Glenn Price, conductor of the Cincinnati Conservatory Wind Orchestra)

Jeff Held is the music director of both the 康考迪亚管乐团 and the Concordia Sinfonietta, as well as Director of Arts Activities and Assistant Dean for the School of Arts and Sciences (music, theatre, and art). He joined the faculty of Concordia University in 2005 and established most of the existing orchestral instrument program at the university.

Dr. Held received the Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Education from Boston University. His research interest was comparing learning atmospheres for music majors between large and small universities. He received a master's degree from The American Band College at Southern Oregon University and an undergraduate degree in music from Valparaiso University. In addition, he completed the Lutheran Teaching Colloquy from Concordia University, Irvine. His career began as band director and music department chairman at Orange Lutheran High School, 他在哪里组建了一支著名的音乐会乐队, jazz band, 手铃合奏. Held is known nationally for his innovative 赞美诗的节日 with wind orchestra and voices, sacred-theme音乐会, 在敬拜中为管乐队演奏新音乐, 参与路德教会音乐家协会, and his work as a board member of Lutheran Music Program (which produces Lutheran Summer Music Academy and other music programs).


  • D.M.A. 音乐教育-波士顿大学
  • M.A. Arts and Letters – The American Band College (Southern Oregon University)
  • B.A. 音乐-瓦尔帕莱索大学
  • 路德教会教师证书-康考迪亚大学(加州尔湾)


  • 康科迪亚管乐团指挥
  • 康科迪亚小交响乐团指挥
  • 器乐指挥方法与排练技巧
  • MUS 112:音乐在文科
  • AART 201:综合艺术
  • MUS 312:黄铜技术