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Alum Voices the Kool-Aid Man

November 01, 2016 - 5 minute read

Brock Powell recording

“Kool-Aid男人是关于快乐和夏天以及与朋友共度美好时光的美好感觉,” Powell says of the well-rounded mascot. “He’s affirmative, positive and loud. 我觉得他们想找个大孩子,这就是区别所在.”

鲍威尔从很小的时候就开始模仿,并在拉斯维加斯的信仰路德高中(Faith Lutheran High School)进入了自己的舞台,那里的戏剧项目欢迎对角色和古怪的声音进行实验. 在莎士比亚的《亚洲体育博彩平台》演出期间,鲍威尔在其中扮演莎士比亚博士. Phil during a puppet show portion (don’t ask), 他第一次为观众做了持续的表演,“就爱上了它。,” he says.

At Concordia University Irvine , 他是戏剧专业的学生,通过模仿周围的人来磨练自己的技艺. To capture the sound of Winnie the Pooh, 鲍威尔通过模仿最近退休的传播学教授马丁·施拉姆(Martin Schramm),对其进行了“逆向工程”, whose vocal pattern, Powell says, has “a very similar cadence to Sterling Holloway, who did Winnie the Pooh’s voice in the sixties.”

Love doesn’t even express how I felt about Concordia.

他还模仿了教务长彼得·森克贝尔的声音,“因为他有点像杰夫·戈德布鲁姆。, and I’ve told him that.(鲍威尔继续在角色试镜中模仿森克贝尔.)


“我知道我想采取行动,但又害怕,因为失败的可能性太大了,”他说. “我试图通过去教堂工作来逃避它,那不是我的直接使命. I thought, that’s got to be what God wants.”

On the first Around-the-World trip, God changed his mind when a fellow student asked, while they were walking around Israel, “你能想到自己拿着戏剧学位做的最奇怪的事情是什么??布洛克口中说出的话让他大吃一惊:“我想成为一名配音演员,为迪士尼的一个角色配音。.”

It just came out,” Powell says. “I realized this is exactly what I want to do. 我是否知道这是一个非常难进入的行业, 我可能没有这样做,因为我用了完全错误的方法,但它似乎成功了.”

鲍威尔说,他在康考迪亚大学欧文分校的经历是基础性的. “爱甚至不能表达我对康科迪亚的感受,”他说. “It was home, a source of confidence and imagination, the blue-sky thinking that Walt Disney talked about. 我可以想出一个主意,不会有人反对. 教职员工和学生们会说,‘让我们实现这个目标吧.’ I felt really empowered.

That made all the difference. 我在康考迪亚大学参加过很多面试,上过很多课,比我在大公司参加过的课程都要紧张. 我现在具备了康考迪亚教会我的专业水平.”


他说:“当时我还是一名大一新生,在招生部门工作时正在写一个学生博客. “I said why don’t we name him Marty? Because we have Martin Luther and Martin Schramm. I always loved Professor Schramm. I don’t think I ever told him I named the Eagle after him.”

After graduating, Powell got a job at Disneyland doing a voice in the live show, Turtle Talk with Crush, then became a plaid-vested tour guide. He then took a risk and contacted Bill Farmer, the voice of Goofy, one of Powell’s favorite characters.

“我一直很善于寻找强有力的导师,觉得自己是在浪费时间, this guy would tell me,” Powell says.

The Farmers invited him over, 从此开始了一段持续不断的指导,鲍威尔将其归功于今天的成就.


“比尔告诉我,任何人都可以发出有趣的声音,但必须发自内心,” Powell says. “我们要善待所有人,不管是对音响师还是前台. 这些都是我在路德教会学校和康科迪亚长大时所知道的,但比尔是这方面的典范. He embodied hard work, humility and hopefulness. 他是我见过的最愉快、最乐观的人之一. He’s become like family.”

他们一起工作了几年,有一天法默说:“你知道你很厉害,对吧?” Powell recalls, “So I stopped taking lessons, put together my demo, got my first agent and started to audition and work.”

去年,为Kool-Aid品牌标志性的代言人代言的机会来了. 这次试镜很不寻常,因为它涉及到说同样的两个词——“哦,是的!”— in dozens of different ways.

“I owe Lori Siekmann and Tony Vezner, theater profs at Concordia, 因为他们教会了我用两个词来表达广泛的情感和观点,” Powell says.


他说:“我们把一些水和一些类似伍基人的叫声结合在一起,他们很喜欢。. “In voice-over they say you know it when you hear it.”

Powell got the job and celebrated that night with the Farmers. The second person he called was Tony Vezner. 鲍威尔的声音现在可以在六个Kool-Aid广告中听到, including a cross-promotion with Progressive’s spokeswoman, Flo.

“你永远不知道你的某个角色会持续多久,但我很感激,希望他们继续用我来为这部电影带来生机。, jovial jug,” Powell says.

鲍威尔几乎全职为有声书、电子游戏、玩具和商业广告配音. 他的另一部配音作品最近在迪士尼XD上首播,与另一位英雄人物Weird Al Yankovic合作. 他在配音界有一群亲密的朋友, including the current voice of the Lucky Charms Leprechaun.

“我发现保持一群和我做同样事情的好朋友互相鼓励是很重要的,” he says. “如果你这周过得不开心,你的朋友可能这周过得很开心.”

Powell also relies on the Bible. His favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:13, which says, 你们寻求我,若专心寻求我,就必寻见.”

他说:“我一直很喜欢这句话,我发现这是真的。. “发生的每件事都有某种目的,坏事会变成好事。. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我的祖父常常问我:“信仰还是恐惧。?’ You get a choice. As an actor and a person, you’ve got to choose faith.”

His time at Concordia solidified that lesson.

“Concordia had such a wonderful effect on me,” Powell says. “我首先感到作为一个人很舒服,这让我能够实现我作为一个演员所需要的. That’s the biggest thing. It provided a really strong starting place.”

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